Friday, March 6, 2020

13 English Expressions about TIME Improve your English Vocabulary

13 English Expressions about TIME Improve your English Vocabulary Time is something we may have plenty of (if we are retired) or not enough of if we are in full time employment and/or looking after a young family. Here are some useful English expressions about TIME.What is the difference between ON TIME and IN TIME? Watch my video lesson below and find out. English Expressions about TIME ABOUT TIME  We may have been waiting a while for a bus or for a service to be provided and when  eventually that bus arrives or the service is eventually provided we can use the phrase it’s about  time.Something happens that you have been waiting to happen for quite a while. It should have happened earlier.  Expression ABOUT TIME has many uses.For example: I have decided to go to the doctor and tell him about that  problem I have been having. Good, it is about time you did.  Your health is important. OrDon’t you  think its about time you went to the gym? You have put on a bit of weight you need to watch it.TIME TO GOWhen you know you have had enough or have overstayed (stayed too long)  your  welcome at a party then its definitely time to go!  It means it is a good idea to leave.We can also use  it to indicate to somebody that you have to leave in order to catch a train or a plane or to make it to  the cinema in time.It’s time to go. The show starts in 40 minutes. English Expressions about Time - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: TIME IS MONEYA favourite phrase/expression of business people.A lot of self employed and  professional people charge hourly rates for their services. They do not usually like to waste time  talking to someone if it is unproductive and time they cannot charge for.For example:Michael met his friend on the street. They spoke for 20 minutes then Michael looked at his watch and told his friend that time is money! If he was late for the meeting he may not get paid.TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE  There is no rush to do something or make an immediate decision. You have time to think about it.For example:Catherine was talking to her mother  about her university studies. She was anxious to finish and begin her career. Her mother advised her  to relax. Don’t worry so much, take your time. Finish your degree course. Time is on your side, you  are young.TIME FOR A CHANGESometimes we put up with something even though we would like to change. We  do this either because we are lazy or have got used to it or are not sure if a change will necessarily  improve matters.However,  there comes a time  (it becomes obvious)  when a change is absolutely  necessary.  It’s time for a change.For example: John had been doing the same job for fifteen years. He discussed it with his wife and decided to quit his job and start his own business. It was definitely time for a change.Time is what we want most but what we use worst. English Expressions with Time - Video Lesson On time? In time? Sounds confusing, right?  Now when you know English expressions about time, lets clear up this confusion once and for all with this short English learning video. Hope you enjoy it!

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