Thursday, March 26, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - What You Need to Know

Organic Chemistry Tutor - What You Need to KnowIf you are interested in finding an organic chemistry tutor, it is essential that you take a closer look at the source. Most online tutors take advantage of people who are only interested in a quick course. If you are looking for a comprehensive program that will teach you the important concepts and skills, the Internet is the place to look. A reputable online chemistry tutor will not just offer a test or tutorial to get students through the class.Online tutors that are available today offer a full course, including online interactive learning and e-assistance, as well as research and teaching resources. It is important to check out the reputation of an online organic chemistry tutor before choosing one. Here are some things to look for in an online organic chemistry tutor.Online tutors should have a good reputation on the Internet. The way you approach your tutor will show how you feel about them. You want to make sure that you are comf ortable with them before the meeting.Make sure that they are licensed to teach. For example, online tutors should be from accredited institutions, such as the College Board or the National Center for Education Statistics. They should also have a clear position on ethics and legal issues.They should offer the personal training and mentoring plan for students. For example, they should offer mentoring through group sessions as well as individual counseling and mentoring. You want to be sure that you feel comfortable in a program and that you know that the teacher knows what they are doing. They should also follow up on their promise of mentoring and continuing to offer assistance as well as getting involved in your classroom.When looking for a quality online organic chemistry tutor, make sure that they are willing to invest time in the course. Some online tutors do this and offer a free help desk and a forum for students to ask questions and to share ideas. Other tutors only offer basi c support and teach students by lecture alone. If you are interested in personalized instruction, look for a tutor that offers a variety of learning tools to ensure that you are comfortable with their lessons.All you need to do is do a little homework before choosing a good chemistry tutor. You will be able to find the right online organic chemistry tutor who has experience and a good reputation. Do not rush into choosing, however, as you want to find a tutor that is able to meet your individual needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Improving Your Body and Mind with Yoga

Improving Your Body and Mind with Yoga The Physical and Spiritual Benefits of Yoga ChaptersHow Does Yoga Therapy Work?The Physical Benefits of Yoga TherapyLearn to Relax with Yoga TherapyLiving a Healthy Lifestyle with Yoga TherapyIt’s widely known that regularly practising yoga is useful for relaxing. However, these benefits are nothing in comparison to what yoga therapy, a discipline designed to aid recovery, can do.With mediation, poses, and intense relation, yoga therapy is an art that blends yoga (Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Iyengar Yoga, etc.) with a therapeutic philosophy. Thus, those who do it can get stronger after each session.In this article, Superprof is looking at the physical and mental benefits of yoga therapy, what Pranayama (breathing exercises) and Asanas (poses) are, and how it can be used to help patients recover from physical and mental illness. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tut ors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Does Yoga Therapy Work?The term yoga therapy was created in 1970 by Doctor Bernard Auriol. He was looking for a way to treat psychiatric patients using the ancient Indian art of yoga and conducted a study as part of his thesis that would form the foundation of the benefits of yoga therapy. Whether you do group sessions or private yoga therapy, you can reconnect with yourself. (Source: janeb13)You can define yoga thus:“Yoga therapy is the specific use of yoga techniques to prevent and treat certain physical or mental conditions.”You have to consider it as a complement to modern medical treatments and not some kind of miracle cure. However, don’t underestimate the physical and psychological benefits of it. Yoga can greatly increase your well-being.There are several methods and techniques involved in yoga therapy:Asanas (yoga poses)Pranayama (controlled breathing)Mudras (symbolic practices)StretchesShavasana (relaxation)MeditationBy regularly practising either with or without a yoga teacher, you can alleviate pain, tone muscle, and improve your physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, yoga therapy is for people of all ages.In reality, yoga therapy adapts to the patient and not the other way round. Each yoga therapy treatment is personalised according to the pati ent’s objectives: recovering from an illness, relaxation, training their body, etc. The discipline is based on around 50 fundamental yoga practices.The Physical Benefits of Yoga Therapy“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” - Mohandas Karamchand GandhiThis quote perfectly sums up yoga therapy. Anyone can do yoga therapy. Thus, most sequences are very simple since the objective isn’t to tone up but rather regenerate and recover. Just like with traditional yoga, yoga therapy can help you improve your physique and physical fitness. (Source: AndiP)If you go to a yoga centre for an individual class or group class, you’ll probably do a more physical brand of yoga and you’ll slowly strengthen your body and tone up. Similarly, you’ll get more flexible and limber.Yoga therapy, however, is aimed at those recovering from a physical condition. For example, someone with back pain or respiratory problems will be looking to use yoga therapy to recover rather than tone up.Yoga therapy can be used to help with:HypertensionBack painInternal problemsSciaticaHeart diseaseChronic painYou may strengthen your muscles as a result but the main goal is to feel better. There are a lot of benefits to physical exercise, especially if you do it regularly!Learn to Relax with Yoga TherapyYoga therapy is a great way to learn to let go of everyday stress. This is why yoga classes near me has become so popular. Through meditation and b reathing exercises, a yogi can achieve mindfulness.Breathing is another fundamental part of yoga therapy:“Respiration being disturbed, the mind becomes disturbed. By restraining respiration, the Yogi gets steadiness of mind. So long as the (breathing) air stays in the body, it is called life. Death consists in the passing out of the (breathing) air. It is, therefore, necessary to restrain the breath.” Yoga therapy is a great way to manage stress and improve your mental wellbeing. (Source: Ataner007)Yoga therapy focuses on breathing to manage stress and looks to align the body and emotions for the benefit of the patient. Thus, they become peaceful, which helps them to get better. It also give the patient the tools to strengthen themselves from within.Yoga therapy is used for psychological conditions, too. For example, it can be used to help those who have trouble sleeping and get to the root of problems such as insomnia or sleep paralysis.Yoga therapy can be used in conjunction with treatments for chronic migraines, Parkinson’s disease, hyperactivity, or anxiety attacks. The person’s age doesn’t matter, either. You don’t need to be young and supple to meditate.Yoga therapy works on the nervous system and can be useful for chronic illnesses, mental health, or preventing problems. Again, yoga therapy is adapted to each patient; there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.Yoga and meditation are at the heart of yoga therapy and allow the patient to focus on the present, rediscover their energy, and save it through relaxation techniques. Again, it complements the treatment rather than replacing it.Living a Healthy Lifestyle with Yoga Therapy“Take care of your body so that your soul will want to stay in it...” - Indian Proverb In addition to the physical and mental benefits of yoga therapy, its teaching will also help you improve your lifestyle. (Source: diapicard)Yoga therapy is useless if you don’t live a healthy lifestyle outside of your sessions. In order to balance your life, there are a few aspects of your life that you need to think about: lifestyle, diet, relationships, exercise, and mental health. Yoga therapy is a great way to improve several aspects of your life.It doesn’t matter what your goal is, yoga therapy requires a few changes to your lifestyle that will help you prevent other problems requiring modern medicine. Physical exercise is a great way to fight stress and manage your digestive system, for example.Generally, yoga therapy allows you to improve physically. Sessions with a yoga therapist will help you improve your body and live a healthier lifestyle, eat better, exercise, and have better relationships. It’s a holistic discipline that takes into account several aspects of your l ife. Yoga therapy will involve you putting in the effort outside of your sessions if you really want to see the benefits. This “homework” may involve meditation, diet, exercise, or just moments of self-reflection.  Finally, keep in mind that if you practise yoga therapy, your therapist will adapt the exercises to you. It may take a while before you see any change, but you need to be patient when it comes to taking care of your body.Now you should know a bit more about the benefits of yoga therapy. You can learn more about it by reading our other articles. Similarly, you can also get private tutorials from one of the many experienced and talented yoga teachers and tutors on Superprof!  There are many different types of yoga including Ashtanga Yoga, Bikram Yoga, and Power Yoga so make sure you see which is right for you.There are a lot of different types of yoga available and three main types of yoga tutorial available on Superprof: face-to-face, online, and group. Each type of tu torial comes with a set of pros and cons and what's right for one person may not be right for another. You need to think carefully about choosing the right tutor and the right type of private tutorial.Face-to-face tutorials are between you and your tutor; there's nobody else there. This is great if you require highly-tailored yoga therapy, for example. However, as a bespoke and tailored service, these tutorials tend to be the most costly per hour. With your tutor dedicating every minute of the session to you, they're also the most cost-effective type of tutorial.Online tutorials, while usually better for academic subjects, can be quite useful if you're on a budget. Since the tutor doesn't have to travel and can also schedule more sessions per week, they have the potential to earn more and spend less and can charge a more competitive rate for their tutorials. If you prefer a hands-on approach, these tutorials won't be for you, but if you have a decent webcam, microphone, and internet connection, you can get quality and tailored tutorials without having to break the bank.Finally, group tutorials are similar to traditional yoga therapy sessions and you won't be the only person there. With multiple attendees footing the bill, these tend to be cheaper per person per hour than the other types of tutorial but it does mean that the lessons won't be tailored to you. Since most yoga therapy is geared towards a specific condition or ailment, most of you there will have the same needs and goals. This means you can all benefit from affordable private tutoring and yoga therapy and maybe even make some new friends.Have a look around on the website for different tutors and make sure you make the most of the tutors that offer the first hour of tuition for free!

13 English Expressions about TIME Improve your English Vocabulary

13 English Expressions about TIME Improve your English Vocabulary Time is something we may have plenty of (if we are retired) or not enough of if we are in full time employment and/or looking after a young family. Here are some useful English expressions about TIME.What is the difference between ON TIME and IN TIME? Watch my video lesson below and find out. English Expressions about TIME ABOUT TIME  We may have been waiting a while for a bus or for a service to be provided and when  eventually that bus arrives or the service is eventually provided we can use the phrase it’s about  time.Something happens that you have been waiting to happen for quite a while. It should have happened earlier.  Expression ABOUT TIME has many uses.For example: I have decided to go to the doctor and tell him about that  problem I have been having. Good, it is about time you did.  Your health is important. OrDon’t you  think its about time you went to the gym? You have put on a bit of weight you need to watch it.TIME TO GOWhen you know you have had enough or have overstayed (stayed too long)  your  welcome at a party then its definitely time to go!  It means it is a good idea to leave.We can also use  it to indicate to somebody that you have to leave in order to catch a train or a plane or to make it to  the cinema in time.It’s time to go. The show starts in 40 minutes. English Expressions about Time - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: TIME IS MONEYA favourite phrase/expression of business people.A lot of self employed and  professional people charge hourly rates for their services. They do not usually like to waste time  talking to someone if it is unproductive and time they cannot charge for.For example:Michael met his friend on the street. They spoke for 20 minutes then Michael looked at his watch and told his friend that time is money! If he was late for the meeting he may not get paid.TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE  There is no rush to do something or make an immediate decision. You have time to think about it.For example:Catherine was talking to her mother  about her university studies. She was anxious to finish and begin her career. Her mother advised her  to relax. Don’t worry so much, take your time. Finish your degree course. Time is on your side, you  are young.TIME FOR A CHANGESometimes we put up with something even though we would like to change. We  do this either because we are lazy or have got used to it or are not sure if a change will necessarily  improve matters.However,  there comes a time  (it becomes obvious)  when a change is absolutely  necessary.  It’s time for a change.For example: John had been doing the same job for fifteen years. He discussed it with his wife and decided to quit his job and start his own business. It was definitely time for a change.Time is what we want most but what we use worst. English Expressions with Time - Video Lesson On time? In time? Sounds confusing, right?  Now when you know English expressions about time, lets clear up this confusion once and for all with this short English learning video. Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Getting into a Top Ten Business School - An Introduction

Getting into a Top Ten Business School - An Introduction GMAT MBA Admissions Blog Applying to business schools is a daunting exercise. For many of you, this may be the first time you come in contact with extreme competition. By the time you are contemplating business school, you will have already been successful in your career â€" graduated from high school with stellar grades, landed in a top-tier undergrad program, and got the highest paying jobs out of college! However, in most cases, you were the big fish in a small pond compared to what you are going to encounter while applying and studying in business school (think Lake Michigan vs. Pacific Ocean). Many of you will experience failure for the first time as in not getting into your top choice school - in no way this is a reflection of your capabilities, but is purely a numbers game â€" the total openings in all elite schools combined is miniscule compared to the number of applicants! This is the first in a series of articles where we will de-mystify the entire application process and share with you the tools that will enable you to succeed. The same tools will help you succeed during business school and also your career! First, let’s distill what we mean by the APPLICATION PROCESS. Is’nt it just taking the GMAT, filling out a few forms, writing a few essays and voila!... you get admitted to Harvard? You could not be more wrong!! It all starts with understanding what you want to do in your career, what critical skills gap that you currently have, which school will help you bridge that gap, and how do you successfully get into that school. While most of us (including yours truly) focus on how to successfully get into a school, we do not pay enough attention to the other aspects which strangely enough is the “magic” that helps you land in the right school. So, in other words, the APPLICATION PROCESS broadly has the following steps: Introspection and truthful self-assessment Identify your “personal narrative” Identifying and selecting the school(s) Preparing the application package (GMAT, essays, etc.) Finalizing the school to attend (for all the lucky ones who will have multiple admissions) In a perfect world, going through the above steps will help you get into a right school. But, we need to be pragmatic and smart about b-schools. After all, we do not have all the time in the world and need to move on with life. We will be sharing with you here on how to achieve your goals without compromising on the integrity of the above approachWith regards to planning and timing, you will need to start approximately 2 years in advance to the start of the school term. i.e., if you need to start your MBA in August 2014, you should begin your self assessment and school selection (steps a b) by mid 2012! You will be taking the GMAT in early 2013 and begin preparing the application packages to submit by late 2013. It is a long drawn out process!! In future posts, we will dive into each of the five steps discussed above. To listen to MyGuru's podcasts on the MBA school admissions process, visit MyGuru's Podbean Podcast site on the MBA School admissions process. Good luck!

Back-To-School 4 Ways to Help Your Kids Adjust - TutorNerds

Back-To-School 4 Ways to Help Your Kids Adjust - TutorNerds Four Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids With Back-To-School Four Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids With Back-To-School Some parents are happy to see their kids head back to school, while others might get a little sentimental. Either way, every parent wishes for their kids to do well in school. After a long summer, many students are a bit rusty. They’ve been out of the classroom and have adjusted to a summer schedule. Now it’s time to get back on a routine and stay focused. The good news is that parents can help their kids adjust back to school life. Here are four tips from a private Los Angeles tutor to get you started! 1. Set a Schedule at Home For many, school schedules are much different from the summer schedule. Late nights, few responsibilities, lunch at different times each day. In other words, summer is a bit more chill, which is why it’s often hard for students to adjust back to a daily schedule where meals, classes, and after-school activities happen at the same time every day. Odds are it will take a week or two to adjust, so don’t rush the process. You can do your part at home by sticking to a schedule of when you wake your kids up, when you eat dinner after class, and an allotted homework hour helps them stay on track. 2. Encourage Your Kids to Be Vocal in Class Too many students fall behind in their studies because they are either too embarrassed or shy to speak up and say they need help. Most teachers are more than happy to go over something again or explain differently, but they won’t do it unless you say something. Telling your kids that it’s okay to ask for clarification or extra help will set them up for success. 3. Book a Private Tutor We’ve said this before, and we will repeat it, don’t wait until your first report card or exam to find out you need a tutor. Tutoring builds confidence, establishes effective study habits, and helps kids learn in their own way. The best thing you can do is to book a private Los Angeles tutor before you start failing tests and falling behind. If your kid struggled in math or science last year, give them the confidence to improve by booking a private in-home tutor from the first day of class. Our experienced Los Angeles tutors work around your schedule and are available seven days a week. How convenient is that? Call us today to book your tutor. 4. Talk to Your Kids About School Ask your kids about what they learned in class that day; be curious and ask a lot of questions. If they only seem to talk about a subject they enjoy, ask them about the others and how they feel they are doing. When your kid summarizes what they learned in class, it helps with their mastery of the topic. The more they talk about it, the more they will remember what they learned and will appreciate your interests in their day. This dinner conversation is also an excellent opportunity for you to take notice of a class they might be struggling in and get them help before they fall too far behind. Dont wait until your first report card to learn you need a private Los Angeles tutor! Call TutorNerds today. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Jadu and Ellucian Announce Higher Education Collaboration

Jadu and Ellucian Announce Higher Education Collaboration Photo Credit: Ellucian supplies more than 2,400 colleges and universities in 40 countries with an inclusive portfolio of solutions for handling every stage of the student lifecycle. The company provides student information systems (SIS), finance and HR, recruiting, retention, analytics and advancement software solutions with its Banner, Colleague, and Quercus by Ellucian ERPS, a constituent relationship management suite, and a cloud platform designed for higher education. Ellucian is one of the biggest providers of cloud-based solutions to the higher education community. “Ellucian’s ability to help institutions deliver a modern student experience depends on partnering with best-in-class technology partners such as Jadu,” said Chris Westfall, Vice President of Business Development for Ellucian. “We look forward to working together to enhance service and performance for Ellucian and Jadu customers.” Jadu creates CMS, eForms and Case Management software for Higher Education, developing software that makes web publishing easy, helps create forms and payments, and manages cases with nominal technical skills. The company handles student engagement and personalization, helping constituents interact with institutions online. This partnership with Ellucian will allow Jadu to deliver a seamless front end, mobile responsive interface for colleges and universities that will enable them to build a direct connection to students and general constituents, and also make it easy for users to complete eforms and access personalized web content, which students will be able to read on any device. Further, this collaboration will give website content management technology to institutions that are already using and benefiting from Ellucian technology. “We have a great many customers using Ellucian’s leading technology so this partnership will add huge value to them,  said Jadu Director of Engineering  Andy Perkins. Working with Ellucian means we have a strong partner with a wealth of experience in the education sector. We are excited to be integrating with the Ellucian technology ecosystem to deliver this value.” Jadu is sponsoring and attending the Texas Connection Consortium’s Annual Banner User Group in San Antonio, TX from May 24-26. The company will be giving demonstrations of its HTML5 Electronic Forms and Web Content Management System at its booth in the exhibit area. For more information please visit

App Happy! The 6 Best iPhone Apps for Language Study

App Happy! The 6 Best iPhone Apps for Language Study App Happy! The 6 Best iPhone Apps for Language Study Drum roll, please.The moment has arrived.The stage is set.The nominees wait eagerly in the wings, ready for download.Its time to give the best iPhone language learning apps their moment in the spotlight.There are many  popular language learning apps  out there.  Innovative apps  provide new and exciting ways to learn a language.  Game apps  and  language learning apps for kids  let you play your way to fluency. Meanwhile,  language exchange apps  help you connect with native speakers for top-notch conversation practice.But if youre an iPhone user looking for a strong all-around app, be sure to check out the six incredible language learning apps below! How to Choose the Right iPhone Language Learning App for YouTo first step to finding the right app for you is to  take advantage of free trials. Many of the best apps require subscriptions or additional in-app purchases to unlock content, but you can usually get some material or a trial for free. This will give you the opportunity to see if you like an app before investing money in it.Additionally, ensure the features meet your needs and goals. Each app offers different language options and features, so its essential to pay careful attention to what each app provides. For instance, if youre looking to improve your French reading skills, an app that focuses primarily on listening just wont fit the bill.Finally, look at images to ensure the interface looks easy for you to navigate. It may seem insignificant, but if you intend to use an app every day, it should at least be easy to look at. If not, you might find youre wasting valuable time trying to navigate through the app or even putting off your daily practice because it seems like too much work.App Happy! The 6 Best iPhone Apps for Language StudyTripLingoIf your main goal is to learn a language to travel, TripLingo is an ideal multi-tool.Its designed with travelers in mind, combining several language features into one convenient app. While many language travel apps offer only one or two different features, TripLingo has a wide array.Some features include:A voice translator that allows you to translate instantly between languages. This way, you can translate to or from your target language and effectively hold a conversation with someone even if neither of you speaks the others language very well.An image translator. This allows you to instantly translate any printed materials, like menus.A phrasebook to teach you all the most valuable and relevant phrases.An offline dictionary with 10,000 words.Cultural notes to help you interact seamlessly without offending anyone.Additional learning tools, including flashcards, audio lessons and quizzes.Full content is available for Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai. The voice translator includes Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Slovak and Swedish. You can also translate using a live human translato r through the app, and this service is available for over 180 languages.FluentUFluentU is a fun, flexible app with something for every learner. What really sets FluentU apart from other apps is that it uses entertaining, authentic videos to help you improve your language skills.With FluentU, you choose your own pace and what you learn. Through real-world videos like movie trailers, news, music videos and more, FluentU will help you upgrade your language skills, regardless of current level.Here are just a few of the great features that come along with FluentU:Authentic handpicked videos found online and sorted by level.Each video is captioned, with optional  captions  in both the language youre learning and in English.The captions include annotations with definitions, example sentences and an associated image. If you want to see how a particular word is used in other videos, you can simply tap on that word.FluentU also offers learn mode. In this mode, videos, images and example sente nces are converted into flashcards and quizzes  for an engaging learning experience.Plus, FluentU takes each learners history into account to create personalized lessons. By presenting you with questions based on what you already know, FluentUs algorithm builds on previous knowledge.FluentU currently offers Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish, with more languages coming soon.To start using FluentU, you can download the FluentU app from iTunes  or Google Play. If you ever find yourself on a computer rather than your favorite mobile device, you can also  use FluentU online.TinycardsTinycards offers a simple, fun take on memorization that you can use to learn key words and phrases in your target language.Tinycards is brought to you by the team that developed legendary language learning program Duolingo. Like Duolingo, Tinycards uses spaced repetition, a learning technique that aims to help aid memory by slowly increasing the intervals between repetition of m aterial.Tinycards uses themed decks of material that contain whatever you want to learn, like words and phrases. Decks are animated to make learning fun and visually appealing.What really sets Tinycards apart from other apps, though, is that you have access to a virtually limitless supply of decks. You can access pre-made decks (there are currently over 10,000, including many on languages), create your own decks and/or share decks with friends. This makes Tinycards exceptionally flexible.DropsDrops is a dream come true for visual learners.Each app features about 1,700 practical vocabulary words. Rather than asking you to translate between languages, Drops uses images for each word. This allows you to bypass your native language and learn the actual meanings of words rather than merely translations.The simple, visually appealing illustrations make the app easy on the eyes, while the quick pace will help keep you focused.Additionally, Drops is designed to be used for just five minutes a day, making it a useful way to cram a lot of learning into very little time.Drops offers Arabic, Chinese, Danish, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese.NemoHave you found Nemo?If so, you know its a personalized language app that youre meant to use in short spurts whenever you have a few minutes. It aims to prepare you for actual conversation in your target language.Nemo has no shortage of useful features, making it a standout for well-rounded learning. Here are a few highlights of what Nemo has to offer:Vocabulary-building activities to teach you frequently used words. Plus, you can skip words you already know, saving valuable study time.You choose what you want to learn, allowing you to pick the topics youre most likely to use.A voice recorder allows you to compare your speech next to that of a native speaker.A review mode allows you to go over what youve already covered to reinforc e learning.Audio by native speakers  downloads so you dont have to have WiFi to use it.Hands-free option  allows you to continue your studying while you drive, exercise or simply dont feel like holding your device.Nemo is available in 34 languages, including common options like Chinese, French and Spanish, along with less common options like Cantonese, Irish Gaelic and Sinhala.Daily Dose of LanguageDaily Dose of Language is a quick, easy learning option that will never let you forget when its time to learn.Thats because it will notify you that its time for your daily dose. Since that dose is short and sweet, it will be easy to fit into your daily schedule, making it one of the best apps for busy learners.  Each of these mini lessons is different, covering topics like grammar, vocabulary, slang and culture. A daily one-minute mini lesson is free, while subscribers also have access to audio and video to accompany each lesson.Current language offerings include Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Thai.So if you want to win the award for best use of an app for language acquisition, look no further than these six options!